
SOE Alumni Association

The SOE Alumni Association supports SOE’s mission of effectively preparing educators and other education personnel for professional performance in diverse cultural contexts. It serves as a connection for which SOE alumni can give back to their alma mater by sharing their talents, resources, etc. in different SOE events. It further serves as a source for developing alumni pride, spirit, and life-long commitments to the School of Education.

SOE Alumni Association Officers. Pictured L-R: Dr. Darlene Roberto, Treasurer; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Webmaster; Dr. Lourdes P. Klitzkie, Advisor; Margaret Beem, Vice President; Martha Sudo, President; and Rose Cruz Castro, Secretary.

SOE Alumni Association Scholarship and Grant Forms

Click on the following links to access the SOE Alumni Association scholarship and grant forms:

SOE Alumni-sponsored course:

SOE Alumni-sponsored course:
ESL Literacy Empowerment through Storytelling II

SOE Alumni Association membership application

Monday, June 27, 2011

ACEI, CEC, and other UOG Organizations Donate to Japan Relief

ACEI-UOG, CEC, and other UOG organizations raised more than $14,000 for the Japan relief effort to support relief efforts in Fukushima. UOG groups that fundraised include Association for Childhood Education International, Council for Exceptional Children, the Japan Culture through Movies Club, UOG Green Army and Operation Triton Giving, the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Modern Language Festival, and the School of Business and Public Administration BA260 Fundamentals of Marketing class in conjuction with the UOG Entrepreneur Society.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Alumni in the News: Newly-Elected Guam IRA Officers

IRA Officers: The newly-elected CY2011-2012 Guam Council International Reading Association Officers were inducted and presented to IRA members at the association's May meeting. Pictured L-R: Stephanie Flores, Treasurer; Erlinda Arriola, Corresponding Secretary; Martha Sudo, Recording Secretary; Jonathan Pilarca, President-Elect; and Neldie Pendon-Limtiaco, President.