
SOE Alumni Association

The SOE Alumni Association supports SOE’s mission of effectively preparing educators and other education personnel for professional performance in diverse cultural contexts. It serves as a connection for which SOE alumni can give back to their alma mater by sharing their talents, resources, etc. in different SOE events. It further serves as a source for developing alumni pride, spirit, and life-long commitments to the School of Education.

SOE Alumni Association Officers. Pictured L-R: Dr. Darlene Roberto, Treasurer; Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, Webmaster; Dr. Lourdes P. Klitzkie, Advisor; Margaret Beem, Vice President; Martha Sudo, President; and Rose Cruz Castro, Secretary.

SOE Alumni Association Scholarship and Grant Forms

Click on the following links to access the SOE Alumni Association scholarship and grant forms:

SOE Alumni-sponsored course:

SOE Alumni-sponsored course:
ESL Literacy Empowerment through Storytelling II

SOE Alumni Association membership application

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Congratulations Fall 2015 Graduates!

The University of Guam celebrated the graduation of its 262 students on December 20, 2015 at the UOG Calvo Field House. The Commencement Ceremonies featured keynote speaker MSNBC and NBC News Anchor Richard Lui. Lui impressed upon the need for the graduates to tell their own stories and look for unique angles, as they write the chapter of their lives. Congratulations Fall 2015 graduates! God Bless, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors!

Lorenzo Naputi Reyes proudly holds his diploma

UOG's Dr. Rivera's 

Pictured L-R:  Jacqueline Naputi Reyes, Lorenzo Naputi Reyes, and Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera.

Lorenzo Naputi Reyes (center) is surrounded by family members 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Lastimoza joins the SOE Alumni Association

Meet our newest SOE Alumni Association Member!

Rosanne Lastimoza

SOE Convocation - Dec. 5

Congratulions to the SOE candidates who were recognized during this semester's SOE Convocation! The UOG Commencement will take place on Sunday, December 20, 2015 at the UOG Field House. We wish the candidates all the best, and may they be blessed with continued success!

SOE candidates are all smiles!

SOE Alumni Association Holds its Annual Election

The SOE Alumni Association held a meaningful election and general membership drive December 5, 2015 at IRA's Community Book Fair held at the Agana Shopping Center.  Congratulations to the following officers:

President:  Rose Marie Cruz Castro
Vice-President:  Margaret Beem
Secretary:  Martha Sudo
Treasurer:   Graziella "Grace" Griffin
Webmaster:  Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera