Friday, July 31, 2009
SOE Alumni Update - August 1
Is posted on the UOG website:
Summer Sessions Post 8% enrollment increase
The University of Guam posted an 8% increase for Summer enrollment compared to the prior year. Summer 2009 enrollment for Sessions A, B and C numbered 1,307 compared to 1,208 in Summer 2008.
Funding Your Education
The University of Guam ’s Time Option Payment Plan (TOPP) has been shortened to three months and the University administration highly encourages students to apply for: A federal loan under the U.S. Stafford loan program; a bank loan; or apply for the three-month University of Guam ’s Time Option Payment Plan (TOPP).
The University’s Enrollment Management and Student Services will host “Funding Your Education” outreach activities from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in the campus Student Center on August 11 and 12, 2009.
Become a Certified Teacher through UOG's 14-Month Teacher Certification Program
Informational meetings will be held on Aug. 7 at 3:00 p.m. and Aug. 22 at 11 a.m. in the School of Business and Public Administration Building , Room 131. The Teacher Certification Program is designed for individuals who have a bachelor's degree and want to pursue a career as a middle or high school teacher. Courses begin October 3, 2009 and continue through July 2010. Courses are available weekdays and Saturdays. Scholarships are available for individuals who want to become GPSS teachers. For more information contact the Yamashita Educator Corps at 735-2470; Email:; Website:
Fall 2009 Registration Information
Transition Students: Aug. 3 and 4; Continuing & Returning Students: Aug. 5-8; New
Student Registration/Orientation: Aug. 11-14 by appointment. Visit for more info.
Math Placement Test - Aug. 1 / English Placement Test - Aug. 8
Visit for more info.
H1N1 Notice for Students and Employees
The notice is posted on the front page of the UOG website at To date, 61 cases have been confirmed.
UOG Folders Available
Need UOG folders for upcoming workshops? Email
HRO Hours on Fridays
Office hours for HRO will be 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Fridays due to staff shortages.
The Making of the Pacific Tiger – Research Paper Receives Award
Guam possesses the right mixture of components to restructure its economy and transform itself into the first Pacific Tiger by developing strategic economic policies to ensure long-term economic growth for the island. A research paper examining this concept was written by the University of Guam ’s Dr. Anita Borja-Enriquez, Dr. Claret Ruane, and Vanessa Lee Williams. The Making of the Pacific Tiger: Lessons from the Celtic Tiger will is a technical report posted on the PCEI website and will be published in the Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. The paper recently received the Allied Academies Distinguished Research Award. Download the paper in its entirety from UOG’s Pacific Center for Economic Initiatives at PCEI is funded through a grant from the Economic Development Administration of the US Dept. of Commerce.
U.S. Forest Service Funds Fadang Research
The Western Pacific Tropical Research Center at the University of Guam has been awarded a continuation grant from the U.S. Forest Service to sustain their ongoing efforts to study the threats to Guam ’s important cultural and biological resource, the fadang tree. This tree is of interest to a range of scientific disciplines, but more importantly it has been growing in the Mariana Islands for thousands of years and was one of the most common garden plants in Guam homes about 200 years ago. Read the entire story:
SBPA Green Television Commercial Competition
The UOG Green Commercial Contest provides a creative outlet for students to be actively involved and interested in educating themselves and others on how to achieve a greener environment. The winning commercial will be aired on local television. For more click here:
8th Island-wide Monthly Day of Service (Service Initiative - GUAM )
The Guam Volunteer Center and the Serve Guam Commission host a monthly day of service on Saturday, August 8, 2009 Email: or
Call for Papers - 22nd Annual Regional Language Arts Conference
For more information email:
UOG Scientist Mite Study
University of Guam Western Pacific Tropical Research Center scientist Dr. G. V. P. Reddy has received a $50,000 grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to assist farmers in their struggle against invasive spider and broad mites. Eggplant farmers in the region have been experiencing difficulties with spider and broad mites damaging their crops, with some farmers completely abandoning the cultivation of eggplant due to losses. Many farmers that continue to grow eggplant rely on toxic insecticides such as Dicofol and Carbaryl to control mite infestations.
WPTRC receives T-STAR Grants
The University of Guam ’s Western Pacific Tropical Research Center (WPTRC) was awarded $510,165 in T-STAR grant funds from USDA. T-STAR (Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture Research) is a special grant program explicitly for research that enhances the development of sound tropical and subtropical agricultural practices including value-added product development and the control of diseases, insects, weeds, and invasive species.
Bookstore Hours August 2009
Monday August 10 – Thursday August 13, 2009 8am – 3pm
Friday August 14, 2009 Closed in Preparation for Fall Classes
Monday August 17 & Tuesday August 18, 2009 8am – 12 noon
First Day of Fall 2009 Classes
Wednesday August 19 & Thursday August 20, 2009 8am – 7pm
Friday August 21, 2009 8am – 3pm
Saturday August 22, 2009 8am – 12 noon
Monday August 24 & Tuesday August 25, 2009 8am – 7pm
Wednesday August 26 & Thursday August 27, 2009 8am – 6pm
Friday August 28, 2009 8am – 3pm
Saturday August 29, 2009 8am – 12 noon
Monday August 31 – September 18, 2009:
Monday & Tuesday 8am – 5pm
Wednesday & Thursday 8am – 3pm
Friday 8am – 12noon
Closed on Saturday, Sunday & Holidays
Interim Library Hours
(August 8 — 18, 2009)
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Fall 2009 Library Hours
(August 19 – December 5, 2009)
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Friday -9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
CLOSED Sundays & Holidays
Business Woman of the Year Scholarships
New Deadline: August 15, 2009
First Hawaiian Bank and Guam Business invite students to apply for the 2009 First Hawaiian Bank Guam Business Businesswoman of the Year scholarships for the Fall 2009 Semester. The scholarships are intended to “promote higher education by providing financial assistance for college students in their pursuit of professional careers,” and are open to both full-time and part-time students. The scholarships will be awarded based on merit, eligibility, a written essay, and financial need. Applicants should have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Visit for more information.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
An Interview with SOE Alumni Association Member Jonas Manibusan Barcinas
Jonas Manibusan Barcinas, a SOE Alumni Association member, has made a name for himself as being an instrumental administrator who has made an impact in the lives of countless children. He is a Principal for the CNMI Public School System, namely Dandan Elementary School. He received his BAED in Elementary Education with a minor in Social Studies from the University of Guam. He also completed 28 credits in the MAEd Program in Counseling at UOG. He received his MAEd in Educational Leadership & Supervision from San Diego State University, and is currently pursuing his doctorate degree with an emphasis in Educational Leadership from Argosy University, Hawaii.
Here’s what Barcinas had to say when we interviewed him on his educational views and thoughts regarding the association.
1. What made you join SOE (formerly called College of Education)?
This year in June, I was able to attend the Pacific Islands Bilingual Bicultural Association (PIBBA) Conference, which was held at the University of Guam campus. It was during our break time, when I was walking around to meet some friends where I happened to meet the young and vibrant leaders of the Alumni Association trying to reach out to other educators informing them about the program. Without hesitation, I walked to them and bought an alumni shirt. At the same time, I happened to ask them the purpose of their organization. Because they were able to convince me otherwise, I told them that I wanted to be a part of this Alma Mater, since I was a graduate of UOG myself. That’s how I learned about this group. Now being an Elementary Education Major or an educator and a graduate from UOG, I still feel obligated to be part of this fine Association to contribute to the best of my ability to whatever the organization may need.
As an educator, I've always believed in working collaboratively and cooperatively with various educators in finding avenues and solutions to the overwhelming challenges that we are experiencing with students on a daily basis. Either students that are At Risk, behavioral, Academically Challenged, Special Need students with various learning or physical disabilities. I was also a mentor to many of my colleagues when I was a teacher to those that were having difficulties with their students in the classrooms. Being an educator is a huge responsibility and obligation. We all know that this it is a Noble profession though it is our duty to find ways together to make a difference and help our students that are truly hurting emotionally, physically, or simply falling far behind their grade level especially in Reading and Math.
I've always been passionate about being a teacher since I was a young child, and now I am living that example to those I touched. I feel that teachers will not be able to fulfill their goals in reaching out to all of his/her students without the partnership of the parents. It takes a village to educate or raise a child. After all, it is all stakeholders’ responsibility to help make a difference in every child within its community.
2. What is your occupation now, and how long have you served in that position?
I am currently a School Principal IV at Dandan Elementary School in the CNMI Public School System, and have served in that position since 2000. I oversee a capacity of 41 staff and 496 students. Thus, I have been empowered by my Commissioner of Education to oversee and make the necessary decisions for the betterment of the school, which is SITE BASED MANAGEMENT. Accountability at the school level is vital either it be student academic, staffing, safe and orderly facility, balance and doable budget, curriculum, student activities, PTA, and more lies on the palm of my hand and my teacher leaders or LEADERSHIP TEAM. I truly enjoy my job so much that any challenges that come my way, I take it as a way to strengthen my ability to run an effective and efficient school operation. I enjoy helping novice and veteran teachers become effective teachers in the classroom. I've worked tirelessly on curriculum, after school activities, parent involvement, increase teachers and students morale, and build good character education that will create a home atmosphere for one and all. Being a leader at the school requires 24-7 of your time but I love it. Aside from my duty, I am also involved in many Learning Community activities for the system and school level, and with various Non Profit Organizations as a leader or member.
3. How are you making a difference in your profession?
I feel that I’ve done a great job for the school that I lead today. In the past, the school facility was filled with what is in the classroom and very little to deal with instructional materials and structured staff meetings, programs etc. I am a person who empowers teacher leaders to create programs that involve and focus on student learning. I’ve welcomed a character education program that embraces PEACE within the students, staff, parents, and community, and that is the PEACE BUILDER PROGRAM. This has changed our school environment. As a result, there are no disciplinary problems with our kids as well as our teachers and staff. Parents are well informed about this program because we get feedback from them that when there are high discussions at home their children would remind them to become peace builders. This is a language that I hold to my dear heart and today my staff, students, and community are speaking the language as well as putting it to action. The campus is so peaceful that our students and staff enjoy coming to work. For years, none of my staff would leave the school or resign because of my leadership. They only resign because they need to move abroad to pursue their educational endeavors or to move closer to their home. For two consecutive years, none of my staff have left the school. Everyone stayed. The retention at my school is super high. No wants to move at all. I am so happy that they enjoy my leadership and being around the Tottot Family (school Mascot).
Aside from building a positive and welcoming school environment or atmosphere, now our students are doing very well and show consistent improvement in their SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT such as SAT 10 and Standard Based Assessment. This is because I highly encouraged my staff to attend Professional Development on island, school level, or off island. Having to provide them such opportunity, learning in the classroom will eventually become evident because now the teacher themselves are confident and filled with good teaching strategies to instruct their students.
Our WASC Accreditation Reports speaks only of a humble and structured leader and staff. Our school is filled with staff that goes beyond the call duty on weekdays and weekends. I challenged them to get the students involved in the academic and extracurricular activities and for the record, our students have brought home so much pride and joy by winning and placing top in all their participations.
As a leader, sometimes you want to do so much from providing more after school activities for the students, sports, performing arts, tutorial, send teachers off island for trainings but it is understandable that budget is always a challenge, but that will not deter us from performing our very best to provide a structured and fun learning environment for the students under our care. We search for grants, ETC, donations to the business and community, and we receive positive feedback.
Today, Dandan Elementrary School has the adequate and necessary Instructional Materials, technological equipment, programs, and effective trainings to run a great school and provide the best quality learning services to our students. We are a team of ONE, School of ONE, System of ONE.
4. Why should others join the SOE Alumni Association?
I feel that if the any educator likes to network with other educators within our island schools, pacific, or national then it is the individual’s obligation to get involved with the Alumni Association. With the many educational conferences, it is vital that we as educators come together as ONE and work cooperatively and collaboratively in building a team of nation so when we gather we can all learn from one another and this will help us become more effective in what we do in our classrooms. There are so many associations out there in the world, and I feel that we should all stand tall and embrace and nurture ourselves by learning from one another. Learning is a never ending process.
5. What are your favorite memories at the School of Education?
My favorite memories of the School of Education were from the advisors and professors at the time when I was a student at UOG. They were very accommodating, passionate about helping us become successful in our endeavors, an effective teacher. I also miss the camaraderie that we used to have with the Micronesian and local students. There was so much fun learning back then, because the staff and students were as one. Not to mention that today students are provided with better facilities unlike during our time. I’ll never forget our trailer classrooms and simply the four buildings encompassing everyone attending each semester. I truly like it now because it’s more technologically equipped. The library amazed me as well and the rest of the new buildings. Kudos to those past and present leaders that have made an impact in making it a reality for all the students!
6. Are there any other comments that you would like to share?
I want to extend my congratulations and praise to all the past and present UOG leaders and professors, government leaders, business leaders, and community leaders for making UOG a priority in their agenda and providing all the support to making UOG where it is today. Without their commitment to higher learning, we would not have made this dream a reality for those students that want to earn a degree or those that are unable to attend the universities or colleges in the mainland of their choice but to settle here at our very fine university, UOG. This fine university successfully graduated thousands of smart and creative young students and for the record many are out there making a TRUE DIFFERENCE in the lives of our children, business and government community and the community at large.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
SOE Alumni Association Library Donation by Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera and Lois Taitano Gumataotao
We express our deep gratitude to Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, SOE Alumni Assoc. President, and Lois Taitano Gumataotao, SOE Alumni Assoc. Vice President for donating the following books to our SOE Alumni Association Library. To borrow items from the SOE Alumni library, present your SOE Alumni Assoc. membership card to either Anita or June. If you haven't picked up your membership card, please see Anita to obtain it. You are allowed to check out up to 5 books for 2 weeks at time. Late charges will be assessed.
SOE Alumni Assoc. Library Resources:
*10 Minutes A Day to Reading Success, activities & skill builders to help your kindergartner learn to love reading by Hougton Mifflin Company
*1-2-3 Rhymes, Stories & Songs, Open-Ended Language by Jean Warren
*1-2-3 Science, Science Activities for Working with Young Children by Carole Bittinger
*Alphabet Fun & Games, Activities and Game Sheets for Teaching the Alphabet by Jim M. Coudron
*Basic Statistics, Tales of Distributions – 5th Edition by Chris Spatz
*Becoming Japanese, the world of the pre-school child by Joy Hendry
*American Public School Law, Sixth Edition by Kern Alexander and M. David Alexander
*Circle Time for Holidays & Seasons Book by Liz and Dick Wilmes
*Collaborative Math Books for your Class to Make and Share by Mary Beth Spann
*Community Awareness by Newbridge Educational Programs
*Crafts of Many Cultures, 30 Authentic Craft Projects from Around the World by Aurelia Gomez
*Curriculum Development, Decision Making and Process, 8th Edition by Ronald C. Doll
*Designing Staff Development & Support for the Beginning Teacher by Stephanie Hirsh, Associate Director, National Staff Development Council
*Desperation by Stephen King
*Early Childhood Units for the Alphabet by Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
*George Bernard Shaw, John Millington Synge, William Butler Yeats, Thomas Stearns Eliot, Clifford Odets, Thornton Wilder, Tennessee Williams, Eugene O’Neill, John Osborne, Harold Pinter, Edward Albee, Samuel Beckett
*How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
*Learning Through Music & Movement, A Practical Guide for Teaching Young Children by Ellen Booth Church
*Let’s Play A Rhyme, Ready-To-Use Rhymes To Promote Early Learning Skills by Christine Branch
*Mother Goose and Friends, A Number Activity Book by Becky Daniel
*Mother Goose and Friends, An Alphabet Activity Book by Becky Daniel
*Numbers, Integrated Activities for Whole Language and Thematic Teaching by Creative Teaching Press
*One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, Math Activities for Young Children by Sam Ed Brown
*Our America by Newbridge Educational Programs
*Pacific Educator, Spring 2008 – NCLB in the Pacific, Classroom Connections, Currents, A publication of Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL)
*Pacific Educator, Fall 2008, NCLB in the Pacific, Classroom Connections, Currents, , A publication of Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL)
*Patterns for Thinking, Patterns for Transfer, A Cooperative Team Approach for Critical and Creative *Thinking in the Classroom by Robin Fogarty & James Bellanca
*Phonics Review by Milliken Publishing Co., St. Louis, Missouri
*Practical Strategies for the Teaching of Thinking, A unique step-by-step approach that teaches crucial thinking skills in any classroom or content area by Barry K. Beyer
*Puppets, Poems & Songs by Julie Catherine Shelton
*Read, Set, Read and Write, 60 playful activities for you and your child to share by Marlene Barron
*Seven Ways of Knowing, Understanding Multiple Intelligences, Second Edition by David Lazear, Foreward by Howard Gardner
*Strategies for Success, An Administrator’s Guide to Writing by Diane Yerkes & Sharon Morgan
*Teaching Basic Skills Through Literature, Phonics – Primary by Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
*Tearing the Shroud from the AntiChrist by Henry Feyerabend
*The Aims of Education and other essays by Alfred North Whitehead
*The Busy Classroom, A Preschool Teacher’s Monthly Book of Creative Activities by Patty Claycomb
*The “Saving” of America by Clifford Goldstein
*The School & Community Relations, Fourth Edition by Leslie W. Kindred, Don Bagin, Donald R. Gallagher
*The Time Traveler Series, China by Jane Pofahl
*The Urban Principal’s Handbook, Questions and Answers in Ten Administrative Areas by H.J. McMaster
*Thematic Bibliography by Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
*Twentieth Century Drama: England, Ireland, the United States by Ruby Cohn and Bernard Dukore
*Western Civilization, A Concise History, Volume II: From the 1600’s by Marvin Perry, Myrna Chase, James Jacob, Margaret Jacob, Theodre Von Laue
*Whole Language Units for Holidays by Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
If you would like to donate any books, please contact us. Continue to keep up the great work necessary to provide the quality education our children deserve!
Monday, July 20, 2009
SOE Alumni Update: Happy 65th Liberation Day, Guam!
Here are a few snapshots that were taken during the parade. Enjoy!
UOG 2009 Liberation Day Float

Tritons pictured above L-R: Peter Duenas, UOG Alumni; and Vincent Salas.

Pictured L-R: Dr. Robert Underwood, UOG President; and Dr. Helen Whippy, UOG Vice President. Back row, UOG Alumni Triton, Peter Duenas, Class of 1976.

Triton pictured above: Peter Duenas, UOG Alumni, Class of 1976, performing the traditional call of the Kulu.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
SOE Alumni Winner - Joshua Camacho Damian!
SOE Alumni Member, Joshua Camacho Damian, won the SOE Alumni Association raffle for a $100 color copy gift certificate from Xerox Corporation on the last day of the Pacific Educational Conference held July 17, 2009 at the University of Guam Field House. Pictured L-R: Lois Taitano Gumataotao, SOE Alumni Vice President; Damian; and Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, SOE Alumni President.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
SOE Alumni Update
The next Educational Effectiveness Review will occur in 2017. This is the longest period of accreditation in the institution’s history. Read more here:
Kathy Lofdahl and UOG Junior Rob Ady to Attend the National Human Genome Research Institute
Dr. Katharine Lofdahl, an associate professor of biology in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, has been selected by the Department of Health and Human Services to participate in the National Human Genome Research Institute’s 2009 Summer Workshop in Genomics. Additionally, Lofdahl was able to select one of her students to participate in the intensive week-long course as a “Genome Scholar”. Rob Ady, a University of Guam junior, was recommended for the position and will travel with Professor Lofdahl to the National Institutes of Health Campus located in Bethesda , Maryland . Read more:
Alumni fundraising and wine tasting event – July 9
The UOG Endowment Foundation, Inc. and the UOG Alumni Association Chapters invite UOG alumni to a wine tasting and annual campaign fundraising launch on July 9th from 6 - 9 pm at Meskla Chamorro Fusion Bistro. For more informaition call 735-2956.
Groundbreaking for School of Nursing and Health Sciences Classrooms – July 10
UOG’s School of Nursing and Health Sciences breaks ground for new nursing classrooms on July 10th at 10am at the Health Sciences Building on the Mangilao campus. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program has seen enrollment surge over the last several years with more than 400 students in the pre-nursing and nursing tracks. The new single-story 2,850 square foot facility will include two classrooms, faculty offices, and storage.
Sellmann Acting Dean of CLASS
Dr. Mary Spencer recently announced she was returning to faculty to pursue her research interests. Dr. James Sellmann has been named Acting Dean of CLASS through the end of the Fall 2009 semester, or until a new dean is selected.
Sociology and Nursing Students Collaborate with FSM Community, Gill-Baza Youth Group – July 3, 11, and 12
The University of Guam , the University of Hawaii , and the FSM communities will host a Micronesian Food Festival on July 11-12 at the Gill-Baza subdivision. This is an opportunity for UOG students and faculty to engage and establish cooperative links with this enclave community. Additionally, the Gill-Baza Youth Group and senior level sociology students of UOG have planned community engagement and sharing activities which will include locally produced films shown on a large outdoor screen, performances, and music. The event will be held Friday, July 3rd at 5:30 with UOG nursing students providing blood pressure screenings. All of Guam ’s residents are encouraged to participate in an effort at community development that is both positive and unifying. For more information or to get involved contact Joshua Peter at 898-6980 (Email: or Kirk Johnson at 735-2870 (
UOG-UH Summer Archaeology Field School at Ritidian
Ten students representing seven universities located in Guam, the U.S. mainland, Canada , and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas participated in the University of Guam - University of Hawaii Summer Archaeology Field School held June 1 – 26 at Ritidian. Read more here:
English Placement Test – July 9 and 10
The English Placement Test will be held July 9 and 10 in the CLASS Lecture Hall. Students must bring a photo ID and their admissions application receipt to the tests. Plan to arrive 20 minutes early for check in.
July 9, 2009
Last names beginning with the letter A-C at 8:00 a.m.
Last names beginning with the letter D-L at 10:00 a.m.
July 10, 2009
Last names beginning with the letter M-Q at 8:00 a.m.
Last names beginning with the letter R-Z at 10:00 a.m.
TRIO Programs, Student Support Services offers 2009 UOG TRIO SSS Summer Bridge Program
The SSS Summer Bridge Program is FREE of cost to incoming freshmen and transfer students who are already accepted to the University of Guam for the Fall 2009 semester and who intend to participate in the TRIO/SSS Program. Participants (freshmen or transition students) get to meet other first-year students, orient to the UOG campus, learn about UOG resources and services, and enjoy self-development and fun activities to ensure a smooth transition to UOG.
July 29 - Deadline to apply
August 03 - August 07 2009 SSS Summer Bridge Program dates
August 11/12 UOG new student orientation/registration
For more information contact Emmanuel John Cruz Aguon at 735-2248 FAX: 671 734-7514
Cell phone: 671 678-7904; or
Tiny Likiep Atoll Boasts Internet Cafe
The 600 residents of tiny Likiep Atoll in the Marshall Islands now have access to email, the internet, and long distance phone service thanks to Bruce Best of the University of Guam ’s Telecommunications and Distance Education Operation and a host of Pacific partners.
Best and a technical team from the College of the Marshall Islands and the RMI Ministry of Transport and Communications first set up a communication system on Majuro before traveling to Likiep Atoll. The goal was to establish the first of many solar-powered, Internet via satellite systems on remote islands. After days of trouble shooting, equipment gathering, and making use of any materials they could find, Best and his team were able to set up the solar modules, which charged a couple of batteries, which in turn powered the satellite dish. A few cables and computers later, Likiep’s first Internet Café was born.
UOG 2009 Special Education Summer Institute
The University of Guam School of Education offered its third annual Special Education Summer Institute which began in June 2009 with almost 60 participants. For more visit:
PEC Conference - July 15-17
The Pacific Educational Conference (PEC) 2009 will be held at the University of Guam July 15–17. Co-hosted by the Guam Public School System, the University of Guam , Guam Community College , and Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, PEC is one of the largest educational conferences in the western Pacific and a major source of professional development opportunities for educators. There are many workshop strands to choose from, and organizers expect upwards of 1,000 educators to attend the conference. To register visit:
Distance Education/Training Workshop – July 14
A Distance Education Training/Workshop will be held July 14, 2009 beginning at 9:45 a.m. at the University of Guam . The workshop features Kavita Rao, an assistant professor in the College of Education at the University of Hawaii , Manoa.
Workshop participants will get hands on practice with DE technologies such as Moodle and Elluminate. To register contact: Verna B. Marquez at, or 735-2620/1.The workshop is free of charge and will be held in the new distance education classroom next to the Science Building on the University of Guam Campus.
Business Woman of the Year Scholarships
DEADLINE: September July 31, 2009
First Hawaiian Bank and Guam Business invite students to apply for the 2009 First Hawaiian Bank Guam Business Businesswoman of the Year scholarships for the Fall 2009 Semester. The scholarships are intended to “promote higher education by providing financial assistance for college students in their pursuit of professional careers,” and are open to both full-time and part-time students. The scholarships will be awarded based on merit, eligibility, a written essay, and financial need. Applicants should have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Application Form
Scholarship Policy and Procedures
Dave J. Santos Scholarship
The Guam Chamber of Commerce has announced the availability of the Dave J. Santos Scholarship for Juniors and Seniors enrolled in the UOG School of Business and Public Administration. The application deadline is Friday, July 24, 2009.
2009 Application
2009 Scholarship Flyer
Tan Siu Lin Scholarship
Deadline to apply: July 31, 2009
The Tan Siu Ln & Sons Charity Committee of the Tan family has established a trust fund for scholarships for eligible University of Guam studnets, commencing withthe 2009-2010 Academic year. The family, which has its main office in Hong Kong , provided an endowment to finance five $1,000 scholarships per Academic Year.
Click here for the application and more information.
University of Santo Tomas Alumni Organization Scholarship Program
Deadline to apply: June 30, 2009
The scholarship consists of two $500 awards given to one nuring student in his/her junior year and one education student in his/her junior year.
Click here for the application and more information.
Spring Commencement Ceremonies Booklet Posted Online's%20office/commencement%20booklet%20-%20spring%202009.pdf