Håfa Iyo-ta, Håfa Guinahå-ta
What We Own, What We Have
The Festival of the Pacific Arts (FESTPAC), Guam 2016 Literary Arts committee is currently accepting unpublished work from the original writer or artist for its inaugural publication, Håfa Iyo-ta, Håfa Guinahå-ta until April 30, 2014. The publication will be the first in a trio of volumes whose purpose is to promote literary and artistic expression throughout the Pacific region. Volume one focuses on publishes and unpublished writers and artists who are currently residing in Guam. We are seeking quality poetry, fiction, and non-fiction written in English or any other Pacific language (with translations into English), as well as visual art that work within the theme, Håfa Iyo-ta, Håfa Guinahå-ta, or, in English, What We Own, What We Have.
Submission Guidelines
Poetry: Submit up to 5 poems, a maximum of 10 pages.
Prose: Submit up to 3 prose entries with a maximum of 2,500 words each, double-spaced. Longer works may be considered; please query first.
Artwork: Submit up to 5 pieces of visual art.
Include your name, address, phone number, email address, and the title of the work on a cover sheet rather than on the work itself.
Please advise us if you are submitting the same work(s) to other publications, and let us know if the work is accepted by another publication. The editors will publish only previously unpublished work submitted by the original author or artist.
Submissions via email
• Send electronic submissions to this email address: pacificfestival2016@gmail.com
• Submit poetry and prose as Microsoft Word documents.
• Submit artwork in .jpg format (minimum 72 dpi). Artwork accepted for publication will need to be resubmitted in a larger format (minimum 300 dpi).
Works accepted for publication will appear in a print edition of Håfa Iyo-ta, Håfa Guinahå-ta and may reappear in print and/or be archived online as part of the library exhibition during FESTPAC 2016.
Håfa Iyo-ta, Håfa Guinahå-ta is published by the Guam FESTPAC 2016 Literary Arts Committee through a grant from Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL). The purpose of Håfa Iyo-ta, Håfa Guinahå-ta, and subsequent volumes, is to promote literary and artistic expression throughout the Pacific region.
Thursday, March 27, 2014

The 2014 International Conference on TEAM is an interdisciplinary forum that invites scholarly interactions among academics, researchers, practitioners, administrators and students. This conference that is organized by UOG Research, Graduate Studies and Sponsored Programs in collaboration with partner institutions in the Philippines is scheduled for October 24, 25 and 26. Deadline for submission of abstracts in the following sub-themes is on May 15, 2014. The abstract of not more than 250 words will be peer reviewed and results will be emailed to senders after two weeks. Email your abstracts to the contact persons below.
Contact Persons:
- Dr. Lourdes Ferrer (lourdesferrer@yahoo.com)
- Dr. Laurie Raymundo (ljraymundo@gmail.com)
Main Theme:
New Directions in Technology, Education, Assessment andManagement
Innovative uses of technology
Outcomes-based assessment
Computer mediated instruction
Multiple assessment strategies
Distance and blended learning
Cognitive and Affective assessments
Assistive technology
Assessment of critical and creative thinking
Social media platforms
Project assessment and evaluation
Technological advancement and challenges
Program reviews and evaluation
Best practices in teaching and learning
Management in higher education
Values education in school
School management
At-risk learners
Shared governance
Competency-based programs
Accreditation and Accountability
Language and culture studies
Leadership and management strategies
Environmental education
Project management
Important Information:
- Early bird registration (on or before Aug. 15, 2014) is $200
- After Aug. 15 registration is $250
- Onsite registration is $300
- Registration fee includes:
- Conference reception on the first day
- 2 lunches at the Hyatt
- Morning and afternoon teas
- Conference bag
- Program booklet
- Invitation letter for visa application will be provided after payment of registration fee
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Silent Auction Reminder
The University of Guam School of Education
Alumni Association is holding a silent auction during the Guam IRA March 8
meeting. Proceeds will go toward the organization’s mission of effectively
preparing educators and other education personnel for professional performance
in diverse cultural contexts. It also serves as a connection for which SOE
alumni can give back to their alma mater by sharing their talents, resources,
etc. in different SOE events. It further serves as a source for developing
alumni pride, spirit, and life-long commitments to the School of Education. SOE
Alumni members are welcome to join and attend the general membership meeting at
Saint Paul’s, which will be held following the Guam IRA meeting.
UOG Charter Day 5K
UOG Charter Day 5K on March 9
UOG President Underwood issues challenge to runners.
As part of Charter Day festivities, the University of Guam Charter Day 5K Walk/Run will take place on Sunday, March 9 at the UOG Field House. Show Time is at 5:30 a.m. and Go Time is at 6:00 a.m. T-Shirts will be given to the first 150 finishers. After the race, runners can enjoy refreshments and win raffle prizes.
Runners can register at the UOG Field House or at Hornet Sporting Goods. Pre-Registration is $7.00 per runner and Race Day Registration is $10.00 per runner. Registration forms can be downloaded at www.uog.edu/charterday. For more information, contact the UOG Athletics and Recreation Office at 735-2863.
"Beat the President"
Dr. Robert Underwood, UOG President will be participating in the 5K and has offered a special challenge to registered runners ages 45 and above. "If you can beat my time, I'll give you a gift certificate for lunch," said Underwood.
Charter Day
The University of Guam celebrates its 46th Charter Day on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at the UOG campus. Opening Ceremonies begin at 9:00 a.m. and activities run throughout the day until 5:00 p.m. For more information, visit www.uog.edu/charterday.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
UOG SOE Alumni to Hold Silent Auction
The University of Guam School of Education
Alumni Association is holding a silent auction during the Guam IRA March 8
meeting. Proceeds will go toward the organization’s mission of effectively
preparing educators and other education personnel for professional performance
in diverse cultural contexts. It also serves as a connection for which SOE
alumni can give back to their alma mater by sharing their talents, resources,
etc. in different SOE events. It further serves as a source for developing
alumni pride, spirit, and life-long commitments to the School of Education. SOE
Alumni members are welcome to join and attend the general membership meeting at
Saint Paul’s, which will be held following the Guam IRA meeting.
UOG Alumni Update - 3/5/14
As you may have heard, the University of Guam will be hosting its 62nd Anniversary Founders Day Gala on Saturday, June 28th, 2014, from 6p.m. to 10p.m. at the Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort.
To bring our theme, “Duets: Celebrating UOG’s Connections,” to life, we will be presenting dances such as the Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot and Salsa, which will showcase the talents of couples.
All University citizens and alumni are invited to come to our first practice next Saturday, March 15th, from 10a.m. to 12p.m. at the Let’s Dance Studio across from the UIU building in Tamuning. Prior experience is not necessary - there will be plenty of time to learn these dances so that you may perform them on stage at the Gala.
Meet the new officers of the UOG Alumni Association!
Vice President/President- Elect: Chelo Marie Paulino, Teacher, Jose Rios Middle School, B.A. Computer Information Systems, minor in Computer Science, 2006, Masters in Business Administration, Masters of Arts in Teaching, 2013
Secretary: James Terbio, Independent Marketing Consultant, B.A. Communication, 1996
Treasurer: Carmelita Gogue, Vice President and General Manager, Marianas Finance Corporation, B.A. Business Administration, 1996 and Master’s Degree in Business Administration, 1999
The new officers will join Star Mercado, incoming President and Eileen Agahan, Immediate Past President to complete the executive board.
Visit our website for general information about Charter Day:
For game schedules, visit here:
Catch the latest edition of “A Higher Degree” featuring George Chiu, Distinguished Alumnus from the School of Business, recent graduate Julius Naranjo, and student Gizzele Valencia by clicking the link below.

UOG Edition of A Higher Degree (February 2014)
UOG Tritons
Featuring Triton News, in-studio guests George Chiu 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award Winner and 2014 Guam Business Magazine Executive of the Year Award Winner, and UOG Students Gizzele Valencia and Julius Naranjo who talk about their experience filming "A Triton's Life."
Pictured from left to right: Guests: Julius Naranjo, Gizzelle Valencia, and Co hosts: Norman Analista, and Jonas Macapinlac.
In an effort to lessen the impact of our carbon footprint, electronic communications will remain central to our alumni outreach. We will continue to email event invitations, announcements of new benefits and programs, as well as other exciting news.
1)University of Guam 62nd Anniversary Founders Day Gala
Saturday, 6/28, 6p-10p Sheraton Laguna Resort
2)The G Factor 3, Talent Showcase
Saturday, 5/3, 6p-10p, Venue TBD
3)Private Showing of the AMAZING SPIDERMAN 2 – JUST ADDED
Saturday, 5/10, Agana Stadium Theatres
Tickets are $12 each and discounts on food combos will be available.
Email nanalista@uguam.uog.edu or uogalumniassociation@gmail.com to reserve your tickets today! Space is limited!
Tickets are $12 each and discounts on food combos will be available.
Email nanalista@uguam.uog.edu or uogalumniassociation@gmail.com to reserve your tickets today! Space is limited!
4)Professional Mixer
Thursday, 9/18, 6p-10p, Venue TBD
5)Alumni Reunion: Featuring the Distinguished Alumni Awards
Saturday, 11/15, 6p-10p, Venue TBD
Browse through photo galleries and video highlights of these events from previous years:
Online photo album:
Official youtube page:
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