The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and support of Education have named Dr. Lourdes M. Ferrer at the University of Guam the 2009 Professor of the Year. For more details visit: http://www.uog.edu/newsDtls.aspx?id=374
Guam IRA's 10th Annual Community Book Fair - Agana Shopping Center - December 12, 2009
This year’s fair will be on Saturday, December 12, 2009 at the Agana Shopping Center from 10:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. There will be exciting student performances including Maria Ulloa Elementary School’s Head Start students and the St. Francis Honor Choir. A special appearance of Clifford the Big Red Dog will also be available.
A special presentation of IRA’s Community Book Baskets will benefit the following: University of Guam’s School of Education Literacy Lab, Guam Memorial Hospital’s
Pediatric Ward, Erica’s House, Department of Youth Affairs, and the Alee Shelter in order to promote literacy.
There will be an array of books just for you! There will be paperback and hardcover books, young adult literature, and an assortment of professional books—all at affordable prices. There will also be software, novelties, and brand new Read-A-Thon 2010: “Go Green, Go Read” stocking stuffers. Books for IRA’s upcoming visiting author, Eric Ode, will also be on sale. There will be items from Southern Creations, PBS Guam, School Essentials, and Scholastic. Other features include the make-n-take children’s craft table, face painting, gift wrapping stations, raffle prizes, and more! You won't want to miss this event!
CEDDERS Seeking Evaluators
Guam CEDDERS wishes to establish a list of individual (s) or organization (s) interested in conducting evaluations for the University of Guam , Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (CEDDERS) for various projects within the organization. Payment for services will be through contractual agreement. Evaluations may include on-site visits, interviews, and/or surveying of individuals involved in the projects as well as a review of project documents. Interested individuals and/or organizations should submit vita as well as letter of introduction/interest outlining experiences in conducting formative and summative project evaluations to Ms. Julie Celeste at Deans Circle House #11 or e-mail her at Julie.celeste@guamcedders.org.
SOE International Conference - February 12-14, 2010. Read details below.
First International Conference on
Marriott Hotel Guam
February 12-14, 2010
About the Conference
The University of Guam School of Education is hosting an international conference for researchers, practitioners and school administrators to share their expertise, experiences, theoretical perspectives and research findings in education The conference focuses on Current Trends and Challenges in Education with the following sub-themes:
1. Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
2. Diversity, Learning Styles, and Special Needs
3. Partnerships, Collaboration, and Networking
4. Distance Education, Blended Learning, and Technology-Mediated Instruction
5. Dispositions, Values, and Relational Skills
6. Finance, Governance, and Accreditation
7. At-risk Learners, Family Crisis, and School-Based Interventions
8. Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy of Education
International Participants:
Early Bird (Before January 15, 2010): $150
On Site: $200
Students (on daily basis): $50
Call for Papers
Participants who wish to present papers should e-mail a proposal that specifies a sub-theme and submit an abstract of not more than 250 words to the following coordinators.
1. Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
Coordinator: Dr. Kelle Murphy
E-mail: kmurphy@uguam.uog.edu
2. Diversity, Learning Styles, and Special Needs
Coordinator: Dr. Richard Fee
E-mail: rfee@uguam.uog.edu
3. Partnerships.
Collaboration, and Networking
Coordinator: Dr. Patrick Leddy
E-mail: greyleddy@yahoo.com
4. Distance Education Blending Learning, and Technology-Mediated Instruction
Coordinator: Dr. Jacqui Cyrus
E-mail: dr.jcyrus@gmail.com
5. Disposition
s, Values, and Relational Skills
Coordinator: Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera
E-mail: mnrivera1@yahoo.com
6. Finance, Governance, and Accreditation
Coordinator: Dr. James Maryott
E-mail: jmaryott@uguam.uog.edu
7. At-Risk Learners, Family Crisis, and School-Based Interventions
Coordinator: Dr. Stephen Kane
E-mail: stoppinger@yahoo.com
8. Psychology,
Sociology, and Philosophy of Education
Coordinator: Dr. Sweeter Sachuo
E-mail: ssachuo@uguam.uog.edu
Those who wish to participate in the Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Classrooms and the Round Table Discussion on a Collaborative Agenda for Research in Education should e-mail their proposals to the following chairs:
Workshop Chair: Dr. John Sanchez
Round Table Discussion Chair: Dr. Lou Ferrer
Important: Deadline for the submission of abstract and proposal is November 30, 2009.
Click here for the Proposal For m
Click here for the Registration Form
Click here for the Final Paper Submission Process
Submit registration form with payment and final paper to
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 30, 2009
Results of abstract reviews returned to authors: December 10, 2009
Deadline for submission of full papers: January 10, 2010
For details go to http://mnrivera1.com/soe_conference
For details you may
contact the following chairs:
1. Program: Dr. Stephen Kane
2. Registration: Dr. Don Shuster
E-mail: drshust@uguam.uog.edu
3. Accommodation: Dr. Marge Artero
Email: martero@uguam.uog.edu
4. Publications: Dr. John Sanchez
E-mail: jsanchez@uguam.uog.edu
5. Invitation: Dr. Velma Sablan
E-mail: sablanva@gmail.com
6. Promotions: Dr. Jacqui Cyrus
7. Sponsorship: Dr. Ning Li
E-mail: nli.uog@gmail.com
8. Secretariat: Dr. Benit Camacho-Dungca
9. Cultural Tour
Committee: Dr. Ye-Kyoung Kim
E-mail: yekyoung_kim@yahoo.com
Dr. Lourdes M. Ferrer
Conference Chair
Dr. Elizabeth Hawthorne
Dean, School of Education
Graduate Credits/CEUs*
You can also earn three (3) ED894 graduate
credits/CEUs. You must register for the conference before you register for the graduate credits at the Professional Development and Life-Long Learning Center, 2nd floor, MARC/Computer Center/PIP Building, Room #217. For more information, call 735-2601 or fax 734-1233. You can also e-mail the Instructor, Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera, at mnrivera1@yahoo.com or call 735-2440.
29th Annual International PIBBA Conference - June
22-25, 2010, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Read details below.
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